



教育人才搜索(ETS) 致力于识别, 激励, 准备和支持低收入者, first generation junior high and high school students for success in college. ETS complements the academic, pre-college and career guidance of its partner middle and high schools.

该项目提供学术, career, and financial counseling to its participants and encourages them to graduate college. The goal of ETS is to increase the number of youth from disadvantaged backgrounds who complete high school and enroll in and complete their college education.




上升线(UB) 是否致力协助低收入人士, first-generation high school students in the successful completion of their secondary education and prepare them academically and socially for enrollment into and graduation from higher education. UB builds an atmosphere that enhances positive self-esteem while fostering unity and collaboration to help students value themselves and their culture, 并设想他们自己的成功. 请浏览他们的网页,了解所提供的服务.

向上跳跃帮助学生实现他们的最大潜力. 上界为185名来自洛杉矶的第一代低收入学生提供服务.A. 杰弗逊,卡森,加迪纳,霍桑和洛伊辛格高中.




向上数学科学(UBMS) 是否致力于增加低收入者的数量, first generation high school students who enroll in and graduate from institutions of higher education in 科学, 技术, 工程, 和数学(STEM)学科. UBMS provides fundamental support and resources for participants in their college exploration, 大学入学的准备和申请过程. The UBMS Program offers an academic-year and a summer residential component. The program works to elevate skills of students who have an interest in and talent for science, 技术, 工程和数学通过强化教学, hands-on experiences and opportunities to learn from professionals in a variety of fields. The summer program is a vital part of the UBMS experience and is designed to create a sense of community while building the academic skills, 动机, 自信是大学成功的必要条件.

上界数学-科学 Program currently serves 60 high school students enrolled at Leuzinger High School and 霍桑 High School. 



学生支持服务 学生支援服务(SSS) is committed to increasing the retention and graduation rates of first-generation college students, 低收入家庭学生, 曾在该校寄养残疾青年和残疾学生. Program participants are offered an array of services to ensure a smooth transition to CSUDH as well as ongoing support towards the successful completion of their postsecondary education. 

The SSS program is designed to support the academic and personal development of the needs of 160 eligible CSU Dominguez Hills students. 请浏览他们的网页,了解所提供的服务.




退伍军人资源中心 is the landing space for Veterans and dependents of veterans on the CSUDH 校园. The VRC provides programs and services to meet the unique needs of our veteran community. VRC帮助退伍军人, service members and dependents in successfully navigating their college experience. VRC提供顾问, 导师, academic workshops and holistic personal and professional development opportunities to help students’ transitions into the university. The VRC is also supported by a TRIO 学生支援服务 grant from the US Department of Education. The grant allows the VRC to provide additional services to student veterans who are also either first generation college students, 曾被寄养的青少年或有残疾的人.


Gaining Early Awareness and Readiness for Undergraduate Program (GEAR UP)

准备好了 Gaining Early Awareness and Readiness for Undergraduate Program (GEAR UP) Gaining Early Awareness and Readiness for Undergraduate Program (GEAR UP) is a federally funded program designed to elevate the academic achievement, 大学入学率, 第一代的毕业率, 低的收入, 代表名额不足的, 服务不足的学生. The GEAR UP vision is to work in partnership with educational and community institutions to support students, 父母, and educators to promote higher education and to empower students with the knowledge, skills, and tools necessary to create and navigate their own educational pathway to success.

GEAR UP operates with a cohort model--each program’s work starts with the complete 6th grade cohort (at the partner schools) and continues to serve that group of students through their first year of college. GEAR UP works to provide students and families with one-on-one and group advising, 学术和辅导支持, 大学和职业探索机会, 技能培养工作坊, 铀浓缩计划, 大学访问, 还有教育实地考察.

★准备好-霍桑 is a partnership with the Compton Unified School District and Compton College. The program serves the 850 students of the high school graduation classes of 2024 and 2025 starting while the cohort were students at Roosevelt Middle School, 惠利中学, 凯利小学, 罗斯福小学, and following them to Dominguez High School and into their first year of college.

★装备-康普顿 是霍桑学区的合作伙伴吗, 森蒂内拉谷联合高中区, 和埃尔卡米诺学院. The program serves 800 students in the graduation class of 2024 starting while the cohort were students at Bud Carson, 霍桑, and Prairie Vista Middle Schools in the 霍桑 School District and following them on to 霍桑 and Leuzinger High Schools and into their first year of college.



The  男性成功联盟(MSA)  mission is to improve access, retention and graduation rates of young men of color at CSUDH. MSA offers academic support, personal and professional development and mentoring. 通过创造一种友爱的文化, integrity and perseverance MSA positively impacts the lives of the young men. Fueled by the notions of consciousness, competence and commitment, MSA strives to:

●有效地指导和支持学生的大学生活, 以提高芝加哥南方大学有色人种男性的保留率和毕业率.
● Prepare students for professional, career, and graduate school opportunities.
●与学生合作, 校园, 以及外部合作伙伴,以培养社区和公民参与.
● Encourage identity exploration and holistic development through cultural affirmation and “brave space” communities.

